Tuesday, July 16, 2013


You sits up again, but this time, You is not in a field. You is in a very dark space, though it is not so dark that You cannot see color in it. There is a faint, muddy brown all around You, with the occasional crackling of lightning. You feels a bit of rain, too. Is You in the woods, surrounded by some sort of storm? You looks frantically for the airboat, even though You remembers You doesn't need it. You then looks inside Your pockets to make sure everything You picked up is still with You. That is when You finds that You doesn't have any clothes.

But it's not that You is naked; it's just that those clothes don't exist. You doesn't understand, and You briefly freaks out. You reaches out blindly into the brownish darkness to try to find something, anything, to hold onto...

But there's nothing. Nothing at all.


No one answers. But, there is someone there. You just can't see them that well. You can feel them out there.

The lightning flashes again, and You sees the outline of something. It has the head of a bat, then the head of a man. You only sees its eyes, colorless in the darkness, but wide open, too wide, and watching. You then began to hear a scratching sound, like claws on the pavement. You's never even seen pavement, but You just knows what the scrape of a monster's talons on it is like...

Then, You saw something else in the distance. It, too, looked like a man, but it was crawling. Its flesh was rotten and yet clung to its body like a plastic bag. It stunk like it was rotting too, like a body lost out in a dark field long after the sun goes down, when one's body starts enhancing the other senses to make up for the loss of sight. Its eyes were a torn, tortured, labored yellow, and it had long, familiar claws...

You blinks. Something is wrong again, wrong with the grammar, with the tense, and that upsets You even worse than all of these half-gone visions. Your APPLE screams, and with it, as the eyes of the man and the bat and the thing watch You like they always have, since the beginning of Your life up until its end, You screams too.

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