Thursday, September 5, 2013


A message has been passed down to Yr. Humble Author by the Management.

The note is exceptionally boring, and as such I will do my best to paraphrase. It seems that due to the extraordinary damage applied to the Multiverse in these troubled times, recurring imagery may be utilized, and the resulting tangents that link the remaining threads of the story together may be jumbled and out of sync with the main continuity of the tale. Rest assured, however, the Management has invested in the Author the confidence that he will be able to carry the tasks ahead with due diligence and intellect.

Which is to say, time is fucked up, we're jumping across different parts of the Multiverse, and there'll be one intro to each new tangent that will be reused a bunch of times just to confuse you further. But don't worry, because I will be there with you (and with You, as well) to help things reach their logical conclusion without too many hitches.

However, due to the complexity, there does remain the possibility that I will be killed by this story, just as I was killed in the form of my Earth-Beta-2 incarnation just a little while back. In that case, I guess I'll just have to think really hard until a contingency plan emerges. I'll still be around when my body's gone, so I'll have plenty of time.

Anyway. Nice of the Management to give us a fair warning, I say. Things have been rough around here. And speaking frankly, I get the distinct impression that they're about to get roUG—

The Author has overstepped his bounds.

Necessary data supplied.

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