Sunday, November 24, 2013


“Susie, please,” You begs. “I can't run. I-I'm torn apart; I can't breathe...”

“Okay, we can stop,” she says. “But not for long. I don't know what he'll do now, but his mind is...messed up.”

They're on top of a hill that was once a whole block, with a cathedral. Mother Nature moves very quickly, even in these scenarios. A single giant quartz chunk is beside them.

“Oh, did you get to be a mind-reader when I was gone?” You wheezes. “Or were you telling that from him screaming and blowing everything up...?”

“You, be quiet. I know You doesn't like him, but we need to get away for now, then calm him down, or...or...”

“You don't know what you're doing.”


“But that's okay, neither do I. What do you want out of...of all this?”

“I should help Mark.” It doesn't take her long to realize that. “But he's not up for talking at this stage...”

“I think he's past talking in general.”

“Look, You. I know You doesn't like Mark, but...”

“You said that already. You've said it a hundred times already, but that's not the point. I have a different reason for saying this. My armor is uplinked with the fuel, and presently he's...well, I think something made him turn into this creature early. He grew up too fast. Or maybe he was intended to be 'changed' at this particular stage all along, I don't know. I don't know anything anymore after all we've been through. But the fuel was used to turn him into that thing, Susie. And so whatever's in him is magic—I can just sort of know that it's magic, because of what that Old Man said, and I don't ze's lying—but he's getting even more power from the fuel.

“I can sense parts of him, Susie, and I don't comprehend parts of it and I don't intend on comprehending it, because he's not human anymore; but I know that he's gone mad. Irrevocably mad, the sort of madness you just can't...I'm sorry, but...”

You lets Yourself trail off. And for a very long time, there is quiet.

“No, I trust You.”

You sighs. He's still choking on a number of things. “You do?”

“Yeah. Because You's my friend, and that's something I can put trust into.”

“I don't think 'trust' is quite the word you're searching for...”

“Shush. I know the word, and I know Your APPLE knows the word. I'm just not saying it because it's been said too many times.”

You smiles. And Susie smiles too.

“C'mon,” she says. “We do have to do something about it all, but first I'm finding Mina and Jacob. They ran past us, and we have to make sure they're alright.”

“Fox is still down there, you know.”

“I know, but he's not doing well. I saw, when I wasn't looking at...everything else.”

“Alright. Yeah.” You looks back. Mark is still raging. At the edge of Your vision, You sees The House and everyone enter it, but the sight of it doesn't solidify totally. You looks away, and it's gone.

This doesn't seem the right plan of action, but...yeah, trust, and all that.

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